When you're ready, contact us at h2hfurniture@icloud.com and we'll arrange to get them!
Kitchen Kit
Note: Please label the kit "For one person".
- Two large plates
- Two small plates
- Two glasses
- Two bowls
- Two coffee mugs
- Two knives, forks & spoons
- One pot (preferably with top)
- One skillet
- Set of cooking utensils (can opener, spatula, flipper, slotted spoon, spoon, etc.)
- Kitchen knife(s)
- Two dish towels (if available)
- Two wash cloths (or sponges) (if available)
Please feel free to add other useful utensils.
Linen Kits
Please place in plastic bags & clearly label size on kit (eg. Twin, Full, Queen - please, no King linens.)
Note: Please also label the kit "For one person"
- Fitted twin sheet
- Flat twin sheet
- Two pillow cases
- Two bath towels
- Two face towels
- Two wash cloths